The University of Nottingham's Bioengineering Research Group combines significant expertise in the areas of biomaterials and biomechanics. The Research Group also collaborates with the Composites and Advanced Materials research groups with the Department. In addition the research group has joint projects with Orthopaedics and other divisions within and the Schools of Medical and Clinical sciences, Biomedical Sciences, Pharmacy, Chemistry and Mathematical Sciences and the University Hospitals.
For more details visit: www.nottingham.ac.uk/research/groups/bioengineering/

The Scoliosis Association (UK) (SAUK) aims to provide advice, support and information to people affected by scoliosis and to raise awareness among health professionals and the general public. SAUK is the only national support charity for people with scoliosis in the UK and offers a confidential Helpline and a membership service to further support patients.
For more details visit: www.sauk.org.uk

The British Scoliosis Research Foundation (BSRF) is the only charity that exists solely to promote research into the treatment of spinal deformities in the UK. Each year the BSRF funds a great deal of research into scoliosis and periodically holds an international symposium to spread the knowledge gained from research.
For more details visit: www.bsrf.co.uk